Party, drum and bass, trance, Techno, House, Breaks, disco, UK Bass
Klubnacht this time with special guest Jenny Cara from Zurich, Freiburg local DJ Aufregen and on the other floor Elea B2B Neubaugebeat all night long. NO space for racism, sexism, homo – or trans*phobia and any other form of discrimination! ______ Lineup: Floor...
Party, drum and bass, trance, Techno, House, Breaks, disco, UK Bass
Klubnacht: feminist takeover Macht euch bereit für die nächste Klubnacht im ArTik – TINFLA* Artists only! Lasst euch von einer abwechslungsreichen Auswahl elektronischer Musik durch die Nacht treiben. Genießt außerdem noch ein feines Essensangebot vom A-Team...
Party, drum and bass, trance, Techno, House, Breaks, disco, UK Bass
Klubnächte Klubnächte special weekend for you. Second evening, Saturday 25.11, with a special Labelnight from theBasement Discos & Miura Records w/ Sam Paradise, Philo, Jakob Mäder & Marie Maroon NO space for racism, sexism and any other form of...
Party, drum and bass, trance, Techno, House, Breaks, disco, UK Bass
Klubnächte Klubnächte special weekend for you. First evening, Friday 24.11, with special guest Mariami from cologne, Maroga, Elaine & on the upper floor Klingberg allnightlong. NO space for racism, sexism and any other form of discrimination! ______ Lineup:...
Party, drum and bass, trance, Techno, House, Breaks, disco, UK Bass
SYLP x ArTik – Halloween Edition Design by: we are back at ArTik Freiburg for our next event! This time we give this space to young aspiring artists who we embrace for their work. ____ NO SPACE FOR RACISM, ANTISEMITISM, SEXISM...
Events, Party, Tanz, trance, Techno, Breaks, Groove
╣ Trancedimension ╠ Trance, das ist die Musik, die gute Laune macht. Die Musik, die verbindet , die Alle zum tanzen bringt. Die bedingungslos ballert, aber einen nach einer durchfeierten Nacht mit einem dicken Grinsen verschwitzt zurücklässt. Diesmal für euch am...