
SYLP – Support Your Local Party

SYLP – Support Your Local Party

  SYLP 10.12 @artikfreiburg We are back at Artik Freiburg, but first we want to say something very important: _ – There is no place for Sexism, Racism, and any other discrimination at our party! People who cannot accept that are not welcome at this event....
EPs Corner Convention

EPs Corner Convention

Infotainment-Event mit Rap, Graffiti und Breakdance – Workshops, Infoständen und deutsch-französischen Hip-Hop EP’s CORNER CONVENTION lädt dich zum Urbanen Schnupperkurs ein. Informiere dich bei der Veranstaltung über den deutsch-französischen Werdegang der...
Mariybu + Support + Aftershowparty

Mariybu + Support + Aftershowparty

Rap Fatale präsentiert: MARIYBU Macker kriegen Schiss, wenn die Hamburger Rapperin Mariybu das Mic auspackt – und die Bühne brennt, wenn sie ihre Show abliefert. Basslastige Beats, unmissverständliche Ansagen und queerfeministisches Empowerment – alles...
Pressure Nights #1

Pressure Nights #1

Pressure Nights #1 Room 1 / Geostatic Geostatic has consistently been developing as an artist this year, with multiple releases behind this belt and many gigs that have seen him travel the globe. Crossing paths in the early stages of crafting Transparent Audio, Known...