


This early-summer, RUTA returns to ArTik Freiburg for a 2nd round, presenting a diverse lineup featuring top local talent, the RUTA crew, and some very special guests:  Making a much-anticipated debut, Suzuki (Suraya + PetNatLover) from the Freiburg-based...
House Dance Session

House Dance Session

Sunday, we dance: Join us for our special House Dance Session, just right after 4 creative days of Kunstparcour, on the main dance floor of ArTik Freiburg. This time, we get right to it: No workshop, dance only! Miriam Cheema will be there to assist with House Dance...
Wir raven im Viereck Festival

Wir raven im Viereck Festival

WIR RAVEN IM VIERECK FESTIVAL  26.04.+ 27.04. im ArTik, Freiburg2 Tage Festival | 12 Artists | 2 Floors | ALL-FLINTA-LineUp >>Ah, wie wir im funkelnden Licht der Discokugel raven und unsere Seelen miteinander verweben… << WIR RAVEN IM VIERECK wächst...


PLANTBASSED We are excited to announce our event on April 20th taking place at ArTik Freiburg. Like last years May edition we will start the party outdoors! Doors will open at 7pm, starting with Suzuki (Susu & @petnatlover_79 ) playing some housy tunes outside to...